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Frequently Asked Questions

Where are the practices?

At the Sweetwater Country Club Swimming Pool.

When are the practices?

Please check our schedule online. We practice every day of the week starting the last Monday in April.

When are the meets and how long are they?

Meets start in late May.  The first one is after Memorial Day.  The other meets are on Mondays starting the first week in June. They start at 5 PM and usually go until around 9 PM. 

What do I bring to meets?

  • Team swim suit
  • Cap and goggles (extras are a good idea)
  • Team t-shirt
  • Towels (1-2)
  • Something to sit on (folding chair, extra towel, blanket)
  • Sunscreen and bug spray
  • Activities (There is a lot of down time between events. Ideas: markers/paper, iPods, books, personal music, cards, games, etc.)
  • Healthy snacks/drinks and or money. Snack and drinks can be purchased from the concessions stands or food trucks depending on the meet.  You can bring your own food and drinks. Personal coolers are allowed. Remember it is very hot at most swim meets. Swimmers and spectators should drink a lot of water or hydrating sports drinks.
  • Pack an extra set of clothes and towels in case we have shelter in cars in the event of lightning and rain delays. Make sure you are on the Swimtopia app!

My child is not a great swimmer, should we join?

We are not a learn to swim program but will work with younger swimmers who have some experience.  Swimmers must be able to cross the pool unassisted by the end of the first month of practice. Swimmers swim the length of the pool, which is 25 meters.

Can I join if I am not a member of the Club?

Yes, you can join the Surfers!  We pay Sweetwater a fee of $50 per family for non-members for the use of the facility.  

What equipment is needed to be on the Surfers Swim Team?

Swimmers who are competing need to wear our Team suit for swim meets. Otherwise, they can wear any racing suit for practice meets.  Most swimmers wear goggles and some use caps. You can purchase these at D&J Sports, sporting goods stores, as well as online.  Purchase your Surfer cap on our web site today!

What volunteering is required from parents?

We hire a wonderful coaching staff that will keep you child busy during practices and will be on deck at the meets. We require all parents to fulfill a minimum volunteer requirement, see handbook for details. It is a great way to be a part of the fun! It is up to us parents to get the swimmers lined up for their races, stroke judge, time, scribe, hand out ribbons, announce the meets, and so much more. We cannot do it without the help of every family! We ask that all families volunteer for five, half meet commitments.

Do we have to come to every meet?

It is best if you can attend at least two of the meets if you are going to register as a competitive swimmer.  You need to get times in all strokes in order to compete for the final meets of the season, Meet of Champions (open to everyone) and All-Stars (must qualify). 

What do we do for weather delays?

Ultimately, it is up to the Meet Director with the guidance of the League Weather Guidelines.

"No swimmers can be in the pool when lightning is within 15 miles, which will result in a 20 minute Lightning Delay timed by the Meet Director of his/her designee. It is advisable to recommend participants to seek shelter or go to their cars and await further instructions. Lightning Delays shall only end after 20 minutes and when the lightning distance is no longer within 10 miles and clearly moving away, and the proper number of timers and stroke judges are present. Any Lightning Delay that lasts more than 2 hours shall officially end the meet for the night."

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